Location: Marina Cay

Today, we woke up around 7 o’clock, and we had a delicate meal of cereal and fruit. We got prepared to work an easy three hours of clearing out a road in the woods right next to the community college. We played this relay race game where we had to split in half for two teams, and two people had to work for two minutes and then switch with the other two people on the team. After twenty minutes of doing this, one person on each team has to run up a hill to ring a bell, and whoever gets up there and rings the bell their team wins. Hayes and I raced to the bell, but unfortunately, Hayes won. After that, we had a little break where Riley chopped down the long plants with a machete. Augusta and I were assigned to motivate the people playing the game for the second round, but thankfully, my team won when Gigi ran against Hayes and won. Next, we learned about the escape rafts that are attached to our boat and how to use them by opening an expired one that was at the community college. There were many useful things inside the one we opened, like water that was ten years past its expiration date and crackers. Right after, we all learned what it is like to walk around a boat on fire by walking around this strange structure that was covered in smoke from a smoke machine. It was made by a man named Mark, who teaches people safety on container ships. When we were heading back to the boat, it started thundering and pouring. After that settled down we went to a town called Trellis Bay with some other boats. I hung out with people from other boats while Grace, Addie, Violet, and the rest of the boat hung out with Jasper, who is from Exit Strategy. After all of that, we had a pretty chill evening eating Tortellini with marinara sauce and a side of garlic bread.