Location: Santa Ana

After fueling up from a delicious breakfast made by our host parents, we were prepared to take on the day. We headed to La Finca, the activity center that we have been working at for the past few days. We completed building the wall and mixing cement. Around 11:00, we headed to the Costa Rican Animal Refuge to meet up with some children from La Carpio and look at many of the popular animals in Costa Rica. We were delighted to see that some of the children we were hanging out with were the same as the ones we had taken to the museum earlier on the trip! After seeing monkeys, owls, deer, and even more sloths, we headed back to La Finca to eat lunch (which of course consisted of cookies) and go swimming. We had a tearful parting with the four dogs we had become very close with as well as the rest of the family and children. To make the tears go away, we were surprised with ice cream and time in the arcade trying to play as many games as possible for free before getting yelled at. When we finally left the arcade, we got the pleasure of meeting Hugo’s family while sharing even more cookies. After this tiring, but fun day, we headed back to our host family’s houses for our last night.