Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda

Today was crazy, and I enjoyed every second of it. We started the day by not starting the day, and we slept a little later than usual. Once we got started, though, the day was jam-packed. Scarlett and Roman cooked breakfast burritos that started the day off right. The side of blueberry muffins was mouth-watering (thanks, guys!). AQ staff members Anna, Riley, and Allie joined us for a play day. We were given the option of kneeboarding, wakeboarding, snorkeling, zesting, and just chilling. The zests were almost everyone’s favorite. The small sailboats with bright lime sails brought a lot of joy. I spent my day on the zest, first alone than with Noah. At the time, it was fairly windy, and when I was still getting the hang of it, it was impossible. I capsized in the first 15 seconds. When Noah boarded the zest, he very impressively fell off the boat almost immediately. Once we got the hang of it, it was smooth sailing. Julia and Sam swapped out with us, and I got to watch them capsize, not once but twice.

We took a break for lunch. Dara had made quesadillas, but when I showed up, to my dismay, they were all gone. Thankfully, it was only the first plate, and there were 2 more plates on the way. We talked about what we had accomplished so far, and Sam shared that she had been able to successfully wakeboard her first try. After lunch, Callie, Erik, and I went kneeboarding/wakeboarding. Noah tagged along. Erik went first and was able to stand up, wakeboarding for at least a minute. Callie and I rock-paper-scissored, and she went next. The first two times, the waves made it impossible to sit up to the kneeboard, but on Callie’s third attempt, she did great. On my turn, I was nervous, but I was able to sit up for a while. But then the waves hit, and my moment of pride ended in a belly-flop. Callie and I went back on the zests, and we had a chat about murder-mystery books. By the end of our turn, we were pros.

For dinner, we had chili, rice, and risotto. AQ staff member Jake visited for dinner and participated in the squeeze. My question was, “What’s one specific thing you’re looking forward to as an adult?” My answer was wearing work pants trousers, but there were a lot of answers about independence. Overall, it was an amazing day that was a much-needed break.